file. Each
condtains a dictionary with the following keys value pairs:
a (N, 256, 256, 3) numpy array of RGB images from the side camera 1 saved in
BGR formatobs/side_2
a (N, 256, 256, 3) numpy array of RGB images from the side camera 2 saved in
BGR formatobs/wrist_1
a (N, 256, 256, 3) numpy array of RGB images from the wrist camera 1 saved
in BGR formatobs/wrist_2
a (N, 256, 256, 3) numpy array of RGB images from the wrist camera 2 saved
in BGR formatobs/side_1_depth
a (N, 256, 256) numpy array of depth images from the side camera 1
a (N, 256, 256) numpy array of depth images from the side camera 2
a (N, 256, 256) numpy array of depth images from the wrist camera 1
a (N, 256, 256) numpy array of depth images from the wrist camera 2
a (N, 7) numpy array of the end effector pose in the robot's base frame
(XYZ, Quaternion)obs/tcp_vel
a (N, 6) numpy array of the end effector velocity in the robot's base frame
(XYZ, RPY)obs/tcp_force
a (N, 3) numpy array of the end-effector force in the end-effector frame
a (N, 3) numpy array of the end-effector torque in the end-effector frame
a (N, 7) numpy array of the joint positionsobs/dq
a (N, 7) numpy array of the joint velocitiesobs/jacobian
a (N, 6, 7) numpy array of the robot jacobianobs/gripper_pose
a (N, ) numpy array of indicating the binary state of the gripper
(0=open, 1=closed)action
a (N, 7) numpy array of the commanded carteasian action (XYZ, RPY, gripper)primitive
a (N, ) numpy array of strings indicating the primitive associated with the
current timestepobject_id (Multi-Object only)
a (N, ) numpy array of integers indicating the ID the object
being manipulated in the
current trajectoryobject_info (Single-Object only)
a dictionary contain information of the object being
manipulated in the current trajectory with the following keys-value pairslength
length of the object (Short, Long)size
cross-sectional size of the object (Small, Medium, Large)
shape ID of the object according to reference
color ID of the object according to reference
initial pose of the object indicating how it should be grasped and reoriented
(horizontal, vertical)distractor
indicator for whether there are distractor objects (yes, no)
RGB Image
Depth Map
Point Cloud